Make money


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Making money is easy

This is the website your boss does not like

Are you self-employed or an entrepreneur? Maybe you just think: I just want to make some money. There is no reason to deny that money makes life better in many ways.

This website is for you who want to make money now

Everybody can make money

Making money is easy and not just about luck, talent and hard work 

How to make money

 It does not require money to make money

There are many ways to make money

There are many ways to sell your ideas, products and services. Just like they can be presented in many ways and they can be marketed in many different ways.

Never be afraid to ask your network for some good advice. It is also a good idea to promote your product, idea or service to your network. Your network is often larger than you immediately think. It is a typical mistake to underestimate your network. Remember your network consists of friends, family, colleagues, your dentist, the salesman in the store where you shop daily, those with whom you practice your hobby or sport and many others....

Practice being a sellsspeak to sell your product in 20 seconds. This is about the time people can concentrate on hearing in detail what you are saying. Remember to ask a question to the listener, in that way you get a conversation going. Some natural questions are; What is your best piece of advice? How do you think the product look, do you know anyone who could be interested or do you know somebody who can help me.

It's easier to get started than you might expect

Choose your product, idea and or service

Target your customers

Promote and sell your product, idea or service

Or let others do the hard work for you.

What can you do? 

You can do many things

The easiest ways to make money

Become a model. Take 10 high-quality pictures and email them to loads of modelling agencies.

Write a book and sell it online in the Google play store or Apple store.

Offer your service to others on websites like Fiverr. Great and easy if you know how to do what people are looking for. You have to check it out as there are some many categories.

Take some pictures and sell them at Flicker.

Make a painting and sell it online at Facebook marketplace and eBay and similar websites. Everybody can make a painting and if you like it for sure somebody else like it.

Make some art and sell it online at Facebook marketplace and eBay and similar websites. Everybody can make a piece of art and if you like it for sure some others like it.

Make a website and place some advertisements on your website.
Note you can make several websites. Websites about specific things or issues - For instance test about Hiking boots or politics can draw many users to your website.

Make a video. Like an informative or funny video and upload to Youtube with advertisements. Examples; How to polish your nails, how to wash a car, how to set your smartphone to factory settings, how to make the best egg sandwich.

Sell some of your own clothes or old furniture.

Design a T-shirt or a skirt and sell it online. Start with only 5 pcs and see what happen.

Buy shares at the stock market. Buy shares that pay dividends. Think long term. Invest in large companies with a history of providing good returns. Green climate-friendly companies are the place to invest in at the moment and the next many years. This could be in wind turbines such as Vesta and Siemens. Or in enzyme manufacturers such as Novozymes or Dupont.

Make an app for a smartphone. You can find many websites which teach you about this for free.

Start your own recruitment company. You can find free recruitment tools at Team easy web. Maybe a recruitment agency for older people or students in your town?.

Review websites & apps for cash

Become a Blogger. Write about what really has your interest. Take pictures and share on Instagram and other social media. Add advertisement to your social media platforms.

Make your own jewellery and sell them online. Make some of wood or fabric or stones or other materials.

Make your own salad dressing, jam or other food. Sell the recipe to a food producer. Just write to all those you can find, possibly asking if they have any good advice for future recipes.

Fill out online surveys

Get paid for searching the web. Yes it's true

Become an online worker

Write articles for various newspapers and magazines as a freelancer. There are millions of articles on everything from dogs to travel. Just write and send. Remember any pictures for your article.

Get started now

Make a plan
Get all the help you can

Examine the Internet and social media for similar products or services. Ask your network. Most states have support for entrepreneurs, like legal advice, contacts to companies which can be interested in your product or service etc...

How to get money if needed

Many companies have funds to support entrepreneurship
Apply for crowdfunding
Apply for a scholarship for your company
Get some investors
Take a loan
If you have a good idea maybe an organisation or the Government would like to support you


Have a good idea about how to make money then let us know so we can share it



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